2022-2023 Year in Review
We cannot say enough about these remarkable women. Enjoy your retirement and thank you for your loving dedication to CCS.
Some fun in the sun with friends in Miss Swinton's class. Thank you for the pictures, Mrs. Warriner.
Thank you, Mrs. Sampica-Manor, for these pictures from the trip to Massena.
A great day for the Pre-K students. They went on a field trip to Potsdam. I think the day was exciting because the trip home became nap time.
The 4th graders in Mrs. Blair-Wilcox class were tasked with the challenge of creating a ring using only Pringles. There was a lot of grit and determination displayed in the classroom today. We had so much fun and Leon Rogers was successful after 19 minutes!
From Mrs. Sweatt: Today Mrs. Sweatt's class had a carnival. Students worked in groups to get tickets by answering reading, math, and social studies questions. They used the tickets for fun activities such as ring toss and cup pong. We finished the day by going to the "ice cream stand".
Congratulations to our CCS CTE and New Visions graduates and award winners.

A student-led community grant was available from Harbor Freight. The Class of 2026 was instrumental in writing two grants. We were lucky enough to obtain these grants for two buildings. One is for the village, to be placed near the basketball court, and the other is to be placed at the Rec Park for the Chateaugay Little League. The ninth-grade students along with our Pre-CTE 10 and 11th-grade students worked many long hours to complete these projects. The students learned about writing grants, creating material lists, the cost of materials, and constructing buildings.
Thank you Harbor Freight and thank you Mr. LaPlante and Mrs. Ashline for your great leadership.
From Mrs. Marshall: Some of my students shared their non-fiction books they authored and illustrated with Mrs. Campbell! Thanks to Mrs. Campbell for help with research!
From Mrs. Ashline: Recently, we had three CCS students compete at Northern Adirondack Central School in their annual animal fair. Congratulations to these students:
John Alden - Master Showmanship, Grand Champion, 1st place for Red and White Milking Cows
Jamie Lynn Helm - 5th place for Showmanship, 1st for Winter yearling - Holstein
Zakry Helm - 3rd for Showmanship, 3rd for Fall -Beef
This spring the 4th graders in Mrs. Blair-Wilcox's class have been corresponding with Mrs. Hammond's 4th graders at Davis Elementary School in Malone. This was Grace Bombard’s senior project and the kids have really enjoyed getting to know some kids from another 4th-grade class. We had the opportunity to meet our pen pals today at the Rec Park in Malone. It was such a great day putting a face to a name and playing on the playground with our pen pals.
From Mrs. MdDonald: Mrs. McDonald's 3rd graders put our extra end of the year energy to good use and made butter! The kiddos acted as the churn as they watched a liquid turn into a solid. Then we enjoyed the fruits of our labor smeared on crackers for a delicious snack.
Thank you, Mrs. Leary, for these pictures from today. Sign making and ice cream treats from Mrs. Calnon.
From Mrs. Blair-Wilcox: All the kids had a great day! The threat of rain didn’t get the kids down. They competed and showed a great deal of sportsmanship and determination. The gym was full of smiles and cheering. Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds and Mr. Johnston for putting on this well loved and looked forward to event each year!!
A fun day at the Rec Park. Thank you, Mrs. Patnode, for the pictures.
4th quarter PBIS reward and recognition assembly. Awards given for the character trait of the quarter, our 1st class of PBIS graduates and prizes for exceptional behavior. Congratulations to all. It’s been an amazing year!
From Mrs. Warriner: Mrs. Beach's and Miss Swinton's Kindergarten friends had a field trip to the Chateaugay Rec Park. They enjoyed Mrs. Farrell showing them new additions to the park, explaining the rules and equipment that they use and then they had fun on the playground.
This morning's graduation ceremony was full of smiles, laughter, and a few tears as the Pre-K4 students took to the stage for the annual commencement ceremony. The students dressed in costumes to represent the letters of the alphabet, recited a poem, sang two songs, and were given their diplomas. Then all of the families enjoyed a slide show created by Mrs. McComb. Well done little Bulldogs. Thank you to the MANY hands who make this happen.
From Mrs. Hamilton-Moore:
I just wanted to share some good news with you, our CCS artists did very well at the local show in Malone - The Robideau -Lamitie King Show 🙂 This show has work from CCS, Malone, Brushton, and Salmon River. Each teacher in those districts may submit up to 14 pieces of artwork (Middle School 6-8 and High School 9-12). The way awards work is that there is a "Best in...either Drawing, Painting, Photography, and Sculpture" and then they also have "Honorable Mentions" in those same categories. I submitted 12 pieces total and out of those 8 were recognized!! I am so proud of our CCS Artists for representing us so well!! Last year Kayla Spaulding got "Best in Drawing" and this year she and Vicky Titus tied for "Best in Drawing" !!!!! Vicky also received Best in Photography!!
Congratulations to these talented students.
This past Friday the 1st Grade classes visited the "Kickin Up Dust Farm''/Thera-Pets, Inc. The classes were divided into 3 groups. One group got to play games, one group spent time at the playground and the last group got to visit the animals. There were goats, horses, different kinds of birds, llamas and the therapeutic donkeys. The animals were all so loving! We took a break for a picnic lunch. Then we finish up our day by going to the park at Macomb Reservation Campsite, through a wooded trail, while walking the donkeys! We all had so much fun!
It was a beautiful day for a trip to the Trombly farm for our CCS students. This album is full of smiles and great memories from many teachers. I also found a few pictures from Jamie Helm and Anna Dalton. They are Franklin County Dairy Ambassadors and were a great help during the day-long field trip.
Thank you to everyone who sent in pictures.
From Mrs. Lacombe - The third graders visited the Babbie Farm and Museum in Peru this past week.
Here are some pictures of our annual Pre-K Beach Day! The kids had a blast and it was a perfect way to cool off on this very hot day!
From Miss Summers:
First grade met some new friends this week.
On Tuesday, we met Atlas a miniature horse the Titus family taught us all miniature horses, what they can do, and even how to take care of them.
On Wednesday, we met Lisa and Dax. They talked to us about how to be good pet owners. We learned all the important things pet owners do to take care of all pets! The best part was the hugs for Dax!
Students in Biology had a chance to show off their "catch and release" skills at Paul Smith's Interpretive Center. They spent quite a bit of time fishing around for macroinvertebrates. Some were better than others, but a great day to be wading around in a brook.
A "Thousand Words" picture.
Thank you, Mrs. Harrigan, for this story, and thank you to Mrs. Harrigan and Mrs. Leary for the pictures.
Today our elementary students got to meet a new friend! Here's Mrs. Harrigan's second-grade class with Atlas, a sweet miniature horse brought to us by the Titus family. They did a great presentation that the students listened to attentively. Their reward at the end was getting to pet this cutie! Thank you to all who made this possible.
Thank you, Mrs. Ashline, for these pictures and story: Jamie Lynn Helm was crowned Franklin County Dairy Ambassador on May 26th. We are very proud to have This great young lady representing our County and CCS. Anna Miller and Anna Dalton were named Junior Franklin County Dairy Ambassador.
Mrs. McDonald's 3rd graders worked in groups to build solar ovens. We used the power of the sun to harness enough power to cook s'mores. It was ooey-gooey fun! A huge thank you to Chat Away for donating the pizza boxes!
Congratulations to all the students who were honored at this year's Moving Up Day ceremony. We with all the best to the Class of 2023.
Popsicles and kickball fun for the middle school at the final PBIS perk event for this year. It was a beautiful day.
Kindergarten released butterflies on Tuesday. We were happy that each caterpillar made its way into a butterfly!! We enjoyed sending them off into the world! 😊
Congratulations to our senior softball players. We wish you all the best for the rest of the season. Thank you for the many years of dedication to the athletic program and for all the memories.
Sherry Boyea and Kristin Spinner from Community Bank presented Financial Literacy information to Career and Financial Management 9th grade classes this week.
Last week Miss Swinton's Kindergarten class enjoyed a memorable experience of crawling into an inflatable dome and getting to see stars in a nighttime sky. Thank you to Mrs Dumont for showing us some of the Constellations and making it so much fun.
The seniors in Participation in Government visited the Franklin County Courthouse today. They were able to see several sentencing hearings as well as the execution of an Extreme Risk Protection Order. The students had the opportunity to ask Judge Carriero and Judge Champagne questions about the legal procedures they witnessed and about their legal background. The seniors also saw some very familiar faces, including District Attorney Elizabeth Crawford and newly appointed Commissioner of Jurors Darby Monette. Both spoke about their positions at the courthouse and their career experience. The students got to sit in the jury box and had a picture taken with Judge Champagne.
From Miss Roach:
The little bulldog primary program is learning about spring and new life!
After learning about the lunar cycle, 8th graders modeled each of the moon phases using Oreo cookies. It was a nice way to review and a good excuse to eat some Oreos!
From Miss Summers:
The first graders have been working hard on writing and illustrating a nonfiction book. We have been learning about the Sun, moon, and stars during science. The first graders wanted to read their books to our Kindergarten friends. They did amazing reading and showing illustrations that they worked so hard on. The Kindergarten friends were great listeners and asked the best questions after!
From Miss Swinton:
Today in Math, Kindergarten practiced our addition and subtraction skills during centers! Learning fun was had by all!
From Mrs. Beach and Miss Swinton:
Kindergarten was invited to visit the Teddy Bear Clinic today! We had the best time and all our Teddy's were mended. ❤️
This past weekend Chateaugay Youth Bowling had a team participate at the 54th Annual USBC Youth State Championship Team tournament at AMF Strike and Spare in Syracuse, NY, representing region 5. John Decosse. Brayden Villnave, Makayla Sweet and Ellianna Davis placed 3rd in the C division. Congratulations and job well done!
Thank you Mr. White and goodbye!
2023 Prom Court Take 1
2023 Prom Court Take 2
Check out these amazing projects. These 10th grade students designed and built these items during their class with Mr. LaPlante and Mrs. Ashline. Amazing work. Nice job!
From Mrs. Jones-King
Kindergartners recently learned about teamwork in their SEL class with Ms. Jones-King. We played musical yoga mats and discovered that it IS possible to fit an entire class of Kindergartners on one yoga mat if we all work as a team!
Mrs. Blair-Wilcox’s and Mrs. McComb’s kiddos got together on Friday to complete a STEM Catapult project. The 4th graders were tasked with creating a catapult using popsicle sticks, rubber bands, plastic spoon, a plastic cup and some tape. They could use any or all of their supplies. The PreK kiddos were engineer apprentices helping to build the catapult. After building the kids tested their project by launching a plastic egg across the room. All catapults successfully launched their eggs forward. The kids worked together extremely well and had a fun time together.
In the fall of 2022 the Adirondack Center for Writing in Saranac Lake, announced that submissions were open for Wild Words, the first Adirondack Teen Writing Anthology. This brand new, yearly print publication was designed to be a place for teens living in the North Country to publish their creative writing, including poetry, short stories, memoirs, personal essays, sci-fi, and fantasy. Any teen (age 13-19) living in the North Country was eligible to submit writing for consideration in the anthology. 70 teens had their submissions chosen for publication. Chateaugay Centrals Luke Dalton & Maddie Decosse were chosen to be published. On Saturday April 22nd in Saranac Lake was their book launch. They were invited to read an excerpt from their story and sign copies of the book. It is now available to order online at https://adirondackcenterforwriting.org.
From Ms. Rieger:
Congratulations to the Science Olympiad team for their outstanding effort this past weekend at the State competition in Syracuse NY. A special shout out to Ainsley Crawford and Lexi Sutton for winning a state medal. This is an incredible feat. Also, Drew Crawford, Matthias Green, Cooper Clark and Adam Perkins for respectively placing in the top 15 in some of their events. WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU ALL!!! Thank you to Mr. and Mrs Crawford for chaperoning. We couldn't have done it without you. And, a huge thank you to Mr. LaPlante and Mrs. Brooks for all your hard work and support of the team.
Press Release Village of Chateaugay, NY – April 6, 2023
The Village of Chateaugay is pleased to announce the 7th annual "Mayor For A Day" winner, 8th grade Chateaugay Central student Torie Butchino. Torie's essay was one of 41 submitted to the Village Board of Trustees as part of the annual contest.
Students were posed the question “What would you do as mayor to make our village the best place to live?” Torie’s essay focused on the creation of “Welcome to the Village of Chateaugay” signs on each end of the village and well as “Thanks for Visiting” signs as you leave. Her suggestion is being considered by the Village Board with the intent to be implemented in future planning.
Torie's essay was unanimously chosen by the Village Board and she has been invited by Village Mayor Matthew Clarke to visit the office as “Mayor for the Day”. Torie will be able to see firsthand what the job entails including preparing the budget for upcoming fiscal year expenditures; monthly bills; and daily operations of the highway garage as well as our Water and Wastewater facilities.
The Chateaugay Village Board strongly encourages involvement in the community and as such focuses on our youth. Our vision is that of a village where all youth are active participants in shaping a vibrant community. The board believes that young people who experience involvement at an early age carry that civic sense of responsibility into adulthood and are challenged to do more and be included in all aspects of community life. The entire board would like to give special thanks to the administration, teachers, and staff at Chateaugay Central School who allow us to do this project every year in conjunction with their 8th grade Social Studies and English classes. A special thank you to CCS teachers Ms. Alexandra McKellar Jones, Mr. Jon Paul Johnson, and Mrs. Mackenzie Jarvis, who partnered with us for the contest. The Village Board plans to continue this annual event.
Today we held our 3rd quarter PBIS assembly- focusing on the trait of being respectful.
Congratulations to all students recognized.
Kelsey Riley and Jaedyn Yelle were also announced but not pictured due to all county musical festival 😊
Ice Cream "Field Trip"
All County Musicians
8th grader Callie Mailloux had submitted several poems to the 2023 Great Adirondack Young People's Poetry Contest. Her poem, "Conclusion," was chosen to be published in the Lake Placid Institute's Words from the Woods Poetry Booklet. Callie, along with the rest of the young poets, will be honored and given a chance to read her poem in public for the first time. Copies of the poetry booklet will be available in print and at www.lakeplacidinstitute.org by the end of April. Congratulations, Callie!
From Miss Swinton:
Today in Kindergarten, Mr. Wood came to visit us to teach us all about the Maple syrup process. We tasted some amazing syrup and maple candies! We are so grateful that Mr. Wood made a special trip to us because the weather wasn't cooperating for us to visit him. BIG THANK YOUS!!❤️
From Mrs. Sandvig and Mrs. Beach:
Due to weather our kindergarteners couldn't go to the sugar bush, so Mr. Wood was so kind and brought the Sugar bush to us! We all enjoyed syrup and maple candy. It was a great day, thank you again Mr. Wood.
From Miss Summers and Mrs. O'Neill: Today, the first graders celebrated all their hard work so far this year by walking to Stewarts to get ice-cream. Each first grader colored the coloring page provided by Stewarts in class and then redeemed their work for a free ice-cream! Thanks to Stewarts for providing the ice-cream and being so patient with the kids!
Two days this week students in grades Kindergarten through six enjoyed Yoga with Miss Swinton. Miss Swinton prepared a fun Wizard of Oz yoga story, complete with flying monkeys, tornados and witches!
Celebrities vs. Paparazzi - Spirit Week Day 2
Spirit Week for grades 7-12: Day 1 - Students dressed as teachers and teachers dressed as students.
Mr. Smith's class took a walk to Stewart's for Ice Cream. It was delicious!
This past Saturday the CCS LEAD Team hosted a Little Spring Formal. Some of our youngest Bulldogs invited some special people to gather at the elementary gym for a dance. Check out these ADORABLE pictures.
Congratulations to James Carlock for being this year's Rock, Paper, Scissors Champion. Nice job. Thank you to Mrs. Dwyer for organizing the event. It was a fun way to end a Monday afternoon. Check the school's FB page for a video from the elite 8 courtesy of Miss Bruyere.
Agri-Mark, Clean Uniforms & More, and Val Dalton with The Inspector, LLC recently teamed up to donate 30 logoed lab coats for the Chateaugay Science Olympiad Team. The team will be able to use the lab coats for their State Competition in April as well as future competitions both regionally and states.
Pictured: Corey Desranleau (Agri- Mark), Valerie Dalton (The Inspector, LLC), Coach Brooks, Adam Perkins, Lexis Sutton, Ainsley Crawford, Matthias Green, Liam Green, Cooper Clark, Coach Rieger, Sarah Mills (Agri-Mark), Maddie McDonald, Mattaya Carosella, Lily Stephen, Drew Crawford and Alison DuMont.
One of the benchmarks in first grade is to be able to count and understand numbers to 120. Today we celebrated the 120th day of first grade! Our students are 120 days brighter! What better way to celebrate then to have a glow day! Pictures are a little dark due to the black lights but it was a day to remember! We are so proud of all the first graders so far this year!
From Miss Swinton:
Miss Swinton's class learned the power of team work today during their time with Mrs. Jones-King. They turned cream into butter! It was awesome seeing all their excitement and encouraging words towards each other. They definitely enjoyed the fruits of their efforts and they made the most delicious butter.
From Miss Swinton:
Kindergarten started their Plant unit today! We learned what plants needed to grow and then planted our very own bean seeds. We can't wait to watch them grow!
We talked about what plants need to survive this morning. Then all of our kindergarten friends planted their own seeds. Now, we will be patient and wait for them to grow.
Mrs. Beach and Mrs. Sandvig
From Miss Decillis:
Brain breaks are a regular thing in 5th grade! Students get time to relax their brain and get out some energy before sitting down for some math, reading, writing or science and social studies! Today's brain break was pool noodle drumming! :)
From Mrs. O'Neill
What a fun day for Mrs. O'Neill's 1st graders! We started out with a STEM activity making leprechaun traps. Given a cup, some playdough and pipe cleaners students had to make their own trap. They had to use their materials to hang the cup so it would fall and catch the leprechaun. Wow, did they have some great ideas and so much fun with it! Thank you Ms. Summers for the fun idea. Then, Mrs. Calnon came in to do the Inspire Activity "What do you do with a chance?” by Yobi Kamada. Mrs. Calnon read the book and then the kiddos played charades to act out what they took a chance on and their friends had to guess. We had roller skates, bike riders, tractor drivers and more. Good job 1st graders! Thank you Mrs. Calnon!
From Miss Swinton:
Kindergarten planned and made the best Leprechaun trap! We are definitely going to catch him this time! Look at all this team work!
From Mrs. McComb:
Pre-K worked hard to make a Leprechaun trap! They can’t wait for Monday to see what we catch ☘️
From Miss Summers:
The first graders had a blast with the challenge of building bridges or leprechaun traps for St. Patrick's Day. They were given playdough, pipe cleaners, and a cup. They had to figure out ways to suspend the cup in the air with no help from adults. They worked really hard and persisted through the challenge. We are so proud of them!
I think many of us are sick of the snow, but here's proof the kids aren't. That smile! 😊
Mrs. McDonald's third grade class had a "sweet" opportunity to learn about the maple syrup process and enjoy some sweet maple treats. A huge thank you to Jonah McDonald and Anna Bleakley for coming in and showing the kids how to make sugar on snow!
This young lady did an excellent job reading to one of our kindergarten little bulldogs! Mrs. Patnode is so proud of you!
This morning the CCS bowling team received a nice send off from their fellow students. They are headed to states. We wish them all the best. Photo credit to Mrs. Gardiner.
Fifth graders have been learning about the Mayans. They each researched a Mayan God and created a mask that was influenced by him/her. They also needed to share what the purpose of the mask would be. They learned that the Mayans used masks for many purposes, including for ceremonies/festivals, death, birth, weddings, intimidation and as a connection to the spiritual world. - Mrs. Beaudin
Thank you, Mr. Gugliotta, for these pictures from the junior trip to SUNY Canton. The experience is part of Delaney Staples' senior project. They will also be going to NCCC this week.
All families are welcome to apply. These funds are designed to provide financial assistance to eligible community members with children in the school district who are experiencing economic hardship due to certain emergency situations, especially for families that may fall just short of eligibility for other programs such as heap. Funding could be used to supplement clothing, food, fuel oil, gas cards, cell phone minutes, food insecurities, medication Co Pay, transportation, rent, security deposits, etc.
Friend time and fresh air. Thanks Mrs. Warriner.
Some t-shirt word fun with our kindergarten kids this morning- we are so proud of how well they are reading and putting words together! From: Mrs. Beach and Mrs. Sandvig
From Mrs. Sweatt:
Our class recently finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. To celebrate we had a movie day. Students dressed like wizards/ wore pajamas and enjoyed some “wizard” snacks .
Dr. Seuss - First Grade
First grade had so much fun today celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday! We read lots of different books written and illustrated by the magnificent author. After we read each book, we did a fun activity to celebrate the book. Our activities ranged from writing about what we want to be when we grow up (Oh the Places You Will Go, graphing goldfish (One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish), and of course trying green eggs and ham! -Miss Summers (with Mrs. O'Neill)
From Miss Swinton:
In Kindergarten we started our "How to" writing unit! The kiddos were so excited to follow the directions to make a Party mix. They enjoyed their creation and then made directions for the party mix to share with their families.
Brandon Leonard Reporting
Here are the articles Brandon about the basketball playoffs for his senior project
CCS Student Council surprised Mrs. Rounds with a card of thanks for her dedication to our students. Congratulations on your retirement. Enjoy!
From Mrs. Brooks:
For Valentine's Day, our middle school scientists conducted an experiment to see if they could correctly identify candy conversation heart flavors based solely on the taste! As you can see from the pictures, some definitely enjoyed the flavors more than others, but fun was had by all. A handful of students were "super tasters" and guessed all 6 flavors correctly!
Thank you, Mrs. Stewart, for sharing these pictures from last week's tubing day with grades 9 and 10.
Fourth graders had fun with some stem activities today. First, they had to see who could make the tallest tower out of candy hearts. For the next challenge they tried to build a boat that would hold the most candy hearts without sinking .
From Mrs. Swanston: We finished our unit on Artic Animals, and this student took on the challenge of creating an Artic Fox diorama. He did such a great job and is so proud of his work.
Little bulldog hour enjoying the nice spring weather.
From Miss Swinton: Happy Valentine's Day from Kindergarten!
Thank you, Mrs. Phillips, for these bowling pictures. These gentlemen know how to strike a pose, although one of them seems to be saying, "Spare Me".
From Mrs. Warriner: First Graders spent their playtime having fun sledding and soaking up the sun.
Beach Day at the recent game.
From Mrs. Brooks:
To conclude our lessons on potential and kinetic energy, the 8th graders were tasked with building a "car" out of a soda can, rubber bands, and other basic supplies. After lots of brainstorming and some trial and error, they battled head to head in a tournament to see which car would travel the greatest distance. First place winners were: Period 1: Alison DuMont, Period 2: Brooklynn Johnston and Period 3: Callie Mailloux.
Senior Project - Emma Locklin
From Mrs. Locklin: Here is a video of the girls who participated in Cheer camp this past summer. They attended the varsity game on Friday night with the varsity cheer team. The did side line chants and took the floor at halftime. This was Emma’s senior project. She coordinated, organized, promoted and ran the camp. The varsity cheerleaders helped in running the camp, both this past summer and at our recent practices. They were awesome!! Emma did an excellent job. Many thanks to all who helped and participated in the camp!
Video credit- Theresa Jarvis
One Word Project - From Mrs. Beaudin
The 5th graders set one word intentions for the new year! Each student chose a word that they wanted to focus on in 2023. The students listened to the book, "One Word for Kids: A Great Way to Have Your Best Year Ever," by Jon Gordon and Dan Britton. They thought deeply about words that they wanted to celebrate or words that would bring something into their lives that they needed more of. They defined the word and explained why it was important to them, found a picture that exemplified the word and a quote that inspired them.
If you could choose only one word to help you have your best year yet, what would it be? Excitement? Family? Believe? Strength? It's probably different for everyone. How you find your word is just as important as the word itself. And once you know your word, what do you do with it? Students were able to create a piece of wearable art to celebrate their word. Positive intentions invite positive actions! Happy New Year from the CCS 5th graders!
Special thank you to Janet Madrid-Shuett and Susie Jones-King!
The CCS Science Olympiad teams competed this weekend in regional competition at Plattsburgh High School. Both teams did an excellent job and we are very proud of them. The Division B team placed 1st overall and will be headed to state competition in Syracuse. Congratulations to both teams. A huge thank you to Mrs. Brooks, Mr. LaPlante, Mrs Breault, Mrs Harrigan, Mrs Nemier-Green and our chaperones Mr. and Mrs Crawford.
It's always hard saying goodbye to our seniors, Kate Bleakley, Bekah Miller, and Kara Dumas, who have been competing for 7 years. You have been amazing role models and exemplary for sportsmanship. We wish you continued success.
Participation in Government
From Mrs. McArdle:
The seniors spent nearly 6 weeks preparing our mock trial in Participation in Government. After a field trip to the Franklin County court house, they learned important trial vocabulary, the steps in a trial and all of the individuals involved and their roles. They then volunteered for different roles in our trial. Everyone had a part whether they were a witness or an attorney. After 2 weeks of familiarizing themselves with their trial materials, the prosecution and defense teams worked hard to build the best cases they could. The defense team successfully earned a not guilty verdict on both charges facing their client. We would like to offer a special thank you to Mr. Jon-Paul Johnson for serving as our judge and his economics class for serving as our jury. I am so proud of these students!
Congratulations to Walker Martin for scoring his 1000th point. Thank you to Mr. Simonsen for the pictures.
From Mrs. Sampica-Manor: The PBIS Perk Event today was so much fun! A little Hot Chocolate Social to warm up to at the end of the day.
Some festive fun in Miss Swinton's class.
The town hall hosted the 7-12th grade for a Christmas movie today! It was a great afternoon. Thank you to Mrs. Locklin and Mr. Bilow for hosting us!
Pre Sing Along Cuteness
We have had the pleasure working with Mr. Walrath in Kindergarten. His time with us is coming to and end but we want to express our gratitude for him. We will miss him so much!
Thank you for the music seniors.
From Mrs. Sandvig:
It's been a lot of fun in kindergarten, here are some of Pickle's adventures! The kids enjoyed his shenanigans- Now it's time for him to say goodbye!! Mrs. Beach and Mrs. Sandvig.
Mrs. Beach and Miss Swinton's classes came together to celebrate a Polar Express PJ Party! What a fun and magical time! The kiddos arrived with their tickets to board the train, they had treats galore with popcorn, hot chocolate, and candy canes! Memories were made today. :)
We also want to shout out our amazing helpers Mrs. Warriner, Mrs. Sandvig, Mr. Walwrath, and Mrs. Davey. Without them the magic couldn't happen.
From Mrs. Brooks
It was a game of Survival of the Fittest in Science 7! To conclude our lessons on organism adaptations and natural selection, 7th graders were tasked with designing a perfectly camouflaged butterfly that could go undetected by it's only known predator, the 8th graders! With the experience of completing the same activity last year, the 8th graders felt VERY confident that no butterflies would make it out alive... but despite their best efforts, 4 butterflies went undetected!
CLICK HERE for prices and an order form for new items now available at the school store.
JV Girls - thank you
Mrs. Villnave
Mrs. Villnave
Check out this video from Mrs. McComb. It is from the Pre-K field trip to the Farrar Home.
The early childhood class started off their new unit on elementary arts and the senses by making Christmas cars. It definitely brought out the child in them.
Snow Angels
Fall Sports Recap from Mrs. Reynolds.

From Mrs. McArdle:
Students in my Participation in Government class went to Malone for a field trip to work with Judge Champagne. They had a very informative and eye-opening experience. Various government employees discussed with them their jobs and duties at the courthouse, the requirements and qualifications and salary. David Hayes, chief clerk to Judge Carriero described his days as prosecutor and public defender. The students also witnessed sentencing hearings and discussed those decisions with Judge Champagne. Lastly, Tammy Gordon spoke to them about her work with children in Franklin County and Christine Fisher described her job with drug court.
On Monday Nov. 21st the elementary, grades 4-6, had the opportunity to participate in a Climate Learning and Research Fair. This was Rebekah Miller's senior capstone project.
From Ms. Swinton:
Today we invited 3rd grade back to Kindergarten for some Christmas craft fun!! We made a Christmas tree countdown and 3rd helped us color and count! After, we sat and read Christmas stories together. It was such a great time with fun and endless smiles. We definitely made a core memory today. ❤️
The 2nd annual Turkey Trot was a success!! 🦃
Drew Crawford took first place and won his very own Turkey!! Thank you to all who came out and braved the cold!! 🤎🧡💛
Congratulations to these CCS student musicians. They were part of the annual Area All-State concert held this past weekend in Moriah. It was an amazing concert. Mrs. Trombley and Mrs. Hodges are very proud of their hard work.
5th grade celebrated their final personal narratives café style today! 🥳 Students read each others narratives and left feedback! 😊
On November 17th, the 9th grade class visited Bilow's Dairy Farm in Malone. Mr. Bilow, his son, Andrew and his daughter, Jessica, along with a former CCS student, Cody Wilder graciously gave us some of their valuable time and gave us a tour of the farm operation. The students enjoyed walking through the 2000 cow barn. They were able to see what the cows eat and how they are milked at this expanding operation. Students watched as cows entered the milking parlor, how they were milked and how they exited the parlor. The students enjoyed petting the cows and the baby calves. Mr. Bilow explained the feed mixture that the animals eat. He showed the students the feed bunks and told us how long the large supply of hay and corn would last. Students learned valuable information about a dairy farm and the importance of herd health. We look forward to another visit next year when the new barns and the 100 cow rotary milking parlor is in operation.
If only everyone could be as happy as our kindergarten kids enjoying the first snow fall!
Some turkey fun in Mr. Smith's class. Thank you, Mrs. Patnode, for sharing these pictures.
Mrs. Sweatt's class and Mrs. Blair-Wilcox's class enjoying the snow today.
More wonderful pictures from Mr. Simonsen. These are from the last volleyball playoff game. He would like to thank all the parents for their kind words all season long. He also would like to thank Mrs. Reynolds for the complimentary ticket to the game. He captured many wonderful moments throughout the fall season.
Today was the Middle School PBIS Perk Event. Board game challenge. So Much fun!
1st quarter MS PBIS assembly to honor our students who embody the trait of being a learner. Congratulations to these students for doing such great work this quarter.
Veterans Day
In Senior Seminar this week Mr. Gugliotta discussed Veterans Day with the students. He asked Jeff Johnston for his opinions about what he wished students knew about the day. They watched videos about the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial day along with a video about the difference between active duty and reserves. Finally, the students wrote cards of thanks for local veterans and/or their families.
Nice job Ainsley. We are proud of you and your achievements with the swim team.
From Mrs. Dumas
Sixth graders used their critical thinking skills to create a wind powered “Puff Mobile” yesterday. They were given limited materials, and were challenged to use them to create a vehicle that is powered by one breath of air. Some groups used a special tool to measure the power of their breath to find the group member who could make the vehicle travel the farthest. The activity ended with a competition to see which machine traveled the farthest on one breath of air. Many thanks go out to our expert guests, Walter Brockway (engineer), Dave Brockway (statistician), and Anna Dumas (math major). They introduced the challenge after giving a talk about the importance of math and science and STEM career possibilities. The sixth graders really showed some innovation and creativity
STEM Panel - Senior Project - Kara Dumas
Hi everyone! I wanted to give everyone a little information on my STEM Panel that happened on November 3rd for grades 9-12 from 9-10 AM. This was my senior project! I had four panelists come in to talk about their experience in the field. My panelists are Walter Brockway Jr. (Electrical Engineering), David Brockway (Math), Brooke Dickey (Chemical Engineering), and Anna Dumas (Math). The first 20ish minutes included introductions and the panelists told the audience about themselves. The next 20 minutes was reserved for me to ask the panelists questions that I thought would be most beneficial for students to hear. Then for about 15 minutes the floor was open for students to ask questions
Thank you the panelists for their time. It was an informative morning. Nice job Kara.
Thank you, Mrs. Lacombe, for this story and, for compiling all of these pictures from many people.
Today our second-grade CCS students visited Carsada Dairy in Malone, NY. Students learned about farming, harvesting corn, milking cows, touring the milking parlor, and learned Carsada Dairy's milk goes to the Chateaugay Cheese Plant. Students enjoyed caring for calves, a wagon ride, participating in a relay race, and snacking on delicious ice cream and cheese. Thank you to all who made this experience possible!
Today in Kindergarten we celebrated Pumpkin Day! We participated in a Pumpkin Investigation! We explored to see if our pumpkin would sink or float? We found that pumpkins float!! We drew pictures of the inside & outside of our pumpkin. We measured to see how many cubes tall our pumpkin was. We, of course, then cut our pumpkin open to count the seeds and play with the goop! So much fun!
Congratulations to freshman swimmer Ainsley Crawford for earning a spot in the sectionals for swimming. She will be swimming the individual 100m butterfly and the 200m team relay, her leg being the 50m butterfly.
Entrepreneur Week at CCS
Logan McArdle presented to our economics class today for entrepreneur week, featuring Logan's Barkery.
Mr. Johnson has invited different local business owners to come and present to our class on how to start up a small business and to answer any questions our students have regarding starting and running a business.
Thanks for being our first presenter, Logan!
Mental health habits being developed at CCS.
Esports lab at CCS.
Mindfulness activities at CCS